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Lubbock Chamber of Commerce
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Since 1913, the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce’s mission of strengthening, promoting and serving its member businesses has positively benefited the entire region and local quality of life.
As the largest business federation on the South Plains, the Chamber represents over 2,000 members who employ over 79,000 workers, and account for over $2 billion in annual household earnings in Lubbock and West Texas, all without tax dollars.
Serving as a unified voice, the Chamber advocates for pro-business issues affecting Lubbock businesses on the local, state and national levels. Chamber efforts have twice earned the organization the distinguished 5-Star Accreditation from the United States Chamber of Commerce, Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives’ 2008 and 2012 Chamber of the Year and the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives’ Governmental Affairs Program of the Year in 2008, 2009 and 2010.