Piles of compost at Bingham Organic Farm.

Cliff, our Dirt Farmer, likes to get the compost out in the late summer before deep breaking the soil to incorporate the compost into the soil while also diminishing the amount of weeds and weed seeds in the ground.

Looks like piles of dirt, but it is an investment in the future.

Piles of compost at Bingham Organic Farm.

So, the big trucks have dumped off loads of compost from South Plain Compost on several of our farms. South Plains Compost also sells their quality compost to the public as Back to Nature. This is one of the fields that the compost has been delivered to.

Front loader with piles of compost along the crop rows at Bingham Organic Farms.

The frontend loader is needed to move the compost around and the compost spreaders below distribute it in the fields.

Compost spreaders at Bingham Organic Farms.

Compost is a mixture that consists largely of decayed organic matter and is used for fertilizing and conditioning land.

Close up photo of compost at Bingham Organic Farms.
Piles of compost at Bingham Organic Farm.

This will keep the tractors busy in the organic row crops. But vineyards and winery will soon be the busy place as harvest may begin today or very soon.

Looking forward to the future.


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