Wonder what drought looks like? Let’s take a look.
These aren’t the beautiful photos of crops that I like to show you, but this is how it really looks right now. MyHighPlains.com has a map showing the areas of Texas affected by the lack of rain fall. Meadow, Texas where we live close to Lubbock, Texas is suffering from lack of rain.
This is one of our fields that needs at least an inch of rain before the planned organic row crop can be planted. The ground is cleared, but there is not enough moisture in the soil to sprout seeds, so planting will wait. The question is, “Will the rain come before it is too late in the late spring to plant?”
Good rich soil waiting for seed to fulfill its purpose.
This is one of the major reasons that we decided to grow grapes. In proportion to profit, we can use less water. Conserving water for future years and future generations. We want to be good stewards of the land and water that God has blessed us with.
We can pump water from the Ogallala Aquifer that we can use for watering the crops in addition to the rain, but many of our fields do not have wells for producing row crops on a large scale, and so these rely on rainfall.
That story as well as the story of the windmill is why our area wasn’t settled till the early 1900’s. Our oaked white wine blend called “Windmill” tells that story. The American Windmill Museum in Lubbock, Texas tells the story in full detail.
But as that reservoir is depleting, we need to be good stewards of that water as well. We have chosen to use this precious water to irrigate our grapes.
Precious drops of water.
Some of the drip tape watering our vineyards is underground and some is above ground. Still experimenting with both. Both methods work well. It is probably just a question of which is more labor intensive. But our finished wines are worth that work. As we are one of the only 100% estate wineries in Texas, we are well versed in vineyard work. Growing all of our own grapes as well as grapes for many other wineries in Texas.
In photos of our vineyards you will see the drip tape above the ground, but in some you will not see the drip tape because it is below ground. Here you see the above ground drip tape.
This is how we have decided to spend our precious water. To continue producing the quality wines that you enjoy as you are exploring Texas grown wine.
A little dusty at times, but that bud will shake off the dust and grow.
We also have organic wheat growing on our farm.
I am very thankful for this grain which we use to prepare our own personal daily bread. Especially when parts of the world are at war, not knowing when they will be able to plant their fields.
Rain or no rain, with a little bread and a little wine. Lord, may my heart be content.