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A Cold Night on the High Plains
Last night temperatures got down to 32′ degrees in our Vineyards. There was hard freeze on the pickup. There was moisture on the vines, but only slight freeze on the vines and leaves. This evening and in a few days we will know more about any damage.

Landon Winery Tempranillo 2008
There are new wines to show you! I really like doing this, but well – well I have lots of things to do, and even if one of my favorite things to do is running down to wineries and tasting the wine that they have made with our grapes – well I just don’t get to…

Tinker Toys in the Vineyards or Experimental Evaporative Cooling
This post could go into a “So, you want to put in a vineyard 101” series, or maybe it should be called “Do you “really” want to put a vineyard in?” But then again, remember that my courses come with picture of my family and others doing what “they” know how to do, but I…

Field of Dreams or planting vineyards on the High Plains of Texas
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TWGGA Annual Conference in Richardson at the Renaissance
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Track My T Web site by Anvil
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