Harvest began for 2021 on Monday of this week with Albariño going to Doug Lewis at Lewis Wines.
I barely made it out there at they were finishing up in the morning.

This is our current harvester. A Gregoire, which we purchased this last year used from our local dealer. Sometime I should do a post with photos of the different harvesters that we have had through the years. Here they are about to unload into the dump cart which will take the grapes back to the winery.

Then the harvester moves on while the dump truck takes a load of grapes back to the winery area.

These dump carts will then dump the grapes into bins which will be weighed and then loaded on a truck to be taken to Doug and the workers at Lewis Wines for pressing. The object here of course is to get the grapes into those white containers rather than between the bins or outside of those bins.

All in a morning’s work. Or usually all in a night’s work, since that is usually when we do harvest.

There will be six or more weeks of harvest to come. But if this heat keeps up the vast majority in the next three weeks.