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What else we do on the farm and vineyard
So, I still haven’t gotten current pictures of the vineyards up, or pictures of the hedger in the vineyards. But sometimes “life” interferes with “life.” Sometimes I have to just slow down a little to enjoy it all for a little while. One of my daughters just begged for us to make gingerbread cookies which…

A West Texas snow man
We had some moisture during the Christmas season, a white Christmas for sure. But what you have to understand about snow in West Texas, is well … it’ a little different from other places. Here’s an example for you, a West Texas snow man. Blessings, Betty

Work at the Winery and in the Vineyards
So much work is going on here at the winery that I am running about two weeks behind keeping you up-to-date on how progress is going. We have had our ups … and downs. Maybe a little more “up” then Cliff would like. Remember he was way up there while they were building our new…

STELR concert
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High Plains Winegrowers Wine & Music Festival 2013
It’s coming up this Friday and Saturday! The 2013 High Plains Winegrowers Wine & Music Festival At the Mallet Center in Levelland, Texas Tickets are still available! McPherson Cellers, Becker Vineyards, Lost Oak Winery, Messina Hof Winery, Los Pinos Ranch Vineyards, Llano Estacado Winery, Haak Winery, and Bar Z Winery are the wonderful Texas Wineries that…