bird in a nest above back door at the big house

We had dinner on the patio yesterday evening with our friends Neal and Janice Newsom of Newsom Vineyards after our recent trip to Granbury, Texas for the Texas Viticulture & Enology Research Symposium. We noticed a new swallow nest by the back door.



I couldn’t resist, when the momma flew away for a little bit, I took some pictures of the nest to see what was inside.


No eggs yet. The birds having their nests close to the house does create a mess underneath them on the patios, but we consider having a swallow nest good luck. Besides they are beautiful and wonderful to watch. Maybe they will eat up all the mosquitoes around our house this summer.


We actually have one at our front door too.



We don’t seem to be scaring them off. Does that imply we don’t have very many visitors as far out in the county as we live. Hmmm, maybe so.

Blessings, Betty

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