Well, the test results came back from the grapes that were sampled last Friday. No need to test again till this Friday. Now we can turn our interest to our new sorting and press machinery that we are putting in at our barn. Concrete work was delayed by the rains that we had a while back. But moving quickly now.
We need a place for this press. And a place for this huge press. Some pieces to move the grapes from point to point. Like these conveyors. And a place for this special piece of equipment. A Pellence Selectiv sorting system. The main purpose of the machine is to allow us to provide the highest quality harvest to our wineries. An improvement in the complexity and aromatic intensity, suppleness of the tannins, and just purer wines with reduced herbaceous character, bitterness, astringency, and dryness. Everyone is interested in this piece of equipment as you can see.
To be honest I don’t really know how this piece of machinery is supposed to work, but it is supposed to sort, de-stem, remove mog (which is “matter other than grapes”) that you don’t want in your juice as it is fermented into wine. You can even set it so that you have only juice and berries left. You might even want to remove all the “little” berries. Different winery might want different processing, so you can set it accordingly. Maybe we should give them a little more time to measure and put all the pieces together, and then we will come back to see how it all works.
Blessings, Betty