Our label has been months and months in the making. But now we are ready to share it with you. Rebecca Ritz, the owner of Bauerhaus Design an online branding firm, helped design our logo and label design.


So what do you think? We are really enjoying it ourselves. The drawing at the bottom of the label was done by Cliff’s wonderful mother that we all call, “Grancy”. You can see more of her art work on our web site or on her web site.

I thought that I would also share with you a little more about our sweet red table wine. First I should explain who “Dandy” is. Dandy is the term of endearment that everyone uses for Eddie Bingham, who is Cliff’s father, as well as grandfather and great grandfather to many.


Here he is on his 81st birthday when we presented him with the honor of naming our our sweet red wine after him. As you can see it is named “Fine ‘n Dandy”.


Here are both Grancy and Dandy. Wait a minute, is there something wrong with that photo? … or maybe it’s the cake?

There we go, now it looks a little more age appropriate. There are many advantages to being 81. Look at all the friends and family, the legacy that there is to enjoy.


We all enjoyed a wonderful birthday party for Dandy. There was young and old there.


And yes, there was music…


And yes, there were young and old a like enjoying the music.


There was even some of the young making their music debut.


And there was lots of stories and lots of visiting.


We hope you can try our “Fine ‘n Dandy” sometime soon as we share with you the fruits of our labors. You can go on over to the wine tabs to see more information about the wine.


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