baby grapes on the vine

These photos are a little late, but I thought I would still share them with you. These are our vineyards on May 12th. The vineyards were recovering from a freeze that occurred on April 15th, but were recovering well.



The leaves were a little damaged, but the vines were coming back.


The buds were growing.


I don’t have very many words to say, but these pictures speak louder than words could. We are so encouraged that the crop this year looks like it will be good. Such an encouragement after last year’s crop which suffered the worst April, actually May, freeze in 65 years for our area.


You can see some leaf damage, but you can see the strong leaves and the buds coming along.




The buds are such a welcome sight.


These Dolcetto buds are so thick that they may have to be thinned as we often do with the Dolcetto grapes.


As you can see, some of the spur pruned plants that I spoke of in a post a few weeks back, didn’t fair too well. But the plants are coming on with full “heads”. Now the decision will be made to chose different spurs or go with more of a head pruned type of spur pruning.


The buds are there though. Here is a close up of that last vine, so that you can see all of the buds.


Here again is another vine that is growing back as a “head”.


Here again is a close up. Seeing all the buds is quite an encouragement. More growth has occurred in the vines, so tomorrow I’ll show you more recent pictures.



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