So much is changing for all of us. Here is an idea for those of you that are home with your children. Read them a book such as this one that describes courage in the face of adversity.

Hero Over Here, A Story of World War I is a heartwarming book about a young boy who would rather be “over there” becoming a hero or in Montana being a cowboy riding the range. Instead he must stay home with his mother and sister wearing his knickers. But that is precisely where his adventure in true courage begins in the midst of the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic.
Keep in mind when reading this book to young children that it covers topics that are heavy such as war, illness, and death. But these are some of the same topics that they may be encountering or may soon be encountering. If you do not have anyone to read it too, read it to yourself. I cried the other morning when I read it to myself. I think that I will read it to my one child that is still home schooling even if she is a junior in high school. But I have an idea that if I started reading it aloud that the college graduate child and the child currently going to college might both choose to listen in.
You can tell how old this book is by the line of plastic covering which does not quite reach the top and bottom of the book. I starting covering our books in plastic so that the last child could enjoy it as much as the first. When I first began doing it, I did not know how to cut the plastic cover in order for it to fold over for a smooth finish. I guess you learn a few things through the years home schooling.
Perhaps you can find this book at a library. The only place that I could find it for sale was from Sonlight Curriculum. This is the curriculum that we used for the majority of our years home schooling. We also have participated with our local Classical Conversations group. There are so many different options for home schooling that are great that I really prefer the term “personalized education”. There are support groups, co-op classes, tutors, and sports teams. Our children participated in group classes, youth orchestras, and a tennis team with other home schoolers.
Here is a small fraction of the books that we ended up with. We are getting our library organized now for the grandchildren to enjoy.

The Spanish Flu Pandemic during World War I would be an interesting topic for you and your children to study. has an interesting article on it. As well as one on “Pandemics that changed the world”.
Or you could study up some on how germs are spread by watching this video of Mark Rober. Check him out of Facebook, he has several interesting videos.
So for those of you that are homeschooling for the first time because of this crisis, take heart, this is something that can be a successful as well as enjoyable time for you and your children.
We hope and pray that you and yours stay well during this time.